Honest Paws Waterless Dog Shampoo Foaming Formula Product Thumbnail 0

Honest Paws Waterless Dog Shampoo Foaming Formula

Product information

This is a dog shampoo that you don't need water to use. It helps if your dog has itchy or red skin. It makes their skin and fur soft. It's made with safe things like oatmeal and lavender.

Product Ratings:

  • our rating
    89 out of 100

where to buy:

price range:

$20 - $25USD

product review and rating of Honest Paws Waterless Dog Shampoo Foaming Formula

product features:

  • Soothing: The shampoo is gentle on sensitive skin, reducing redness and itching.
  • Moisturizing: Honest Paws shampoo adds moisture to the skin and fur, resulting in a soft and vibrant coat.
  • Natural Ingredients: The shampoo is formulated with natural ingredients like oatmeal and lavender, ensuring safety for dogs and minimal environmental impact.

editorial review:

Dry dog shampoo is a simple product that makes cleaning your pet easy. It doesn't need water, so it's great for dogs who don't like baths or going to the groomer. When you use this shampoo, your dog will smell fresh and look shiny, even without a normal bath with water. 

This shampoo is good for your dog's skin and fur. It cleans, puts moisture back in, and feeds these areas. This could help with problems like shedding a lot of fur, itching, and allergies. The shampoo has a calming scent of oatmeal and lavender, which may help relax your pet. It's safe for the environment and doesn't have bad stuff in it like dyes, fake smells, parabens, or phthalates. People who have used it say their dogs' fur feels soft and smooth after use. They also see improvements in fur that was dry or didn't look good before.

what we like:

  • Soothing for sensitive skin
  • Moisturizing for a soft coat
  • Made with natural ingredients
  • Waterless for easy cleaning

what could be better:

  • May not suit all dogs
  • Limited cleaning power
our rating:
our rating
89 out of 100

A score in the 80s means most customers will be satisfied. It is a great product, it is high quality and the brand provides good support.

where to buy:

other recommended dry dog shampoo

product questions about Honest Paws Waterless Dog Shampoo Foaming Formula

  • Is this dry shampoo safe for the environment and free from bad stuff?

    Yes, indeed According to what we know about the product, this dry shampoo is safe for the environment. It doesn't contain any dyes or fake smells which can be bad for the planet or health.

  • What good things can this shampoo do for dogs?

    This shampoo is really good for dogs. It cleans their skin and fur, helps stop them from scratching, and reduces fur falling out. It also makes them smell nice and their fur shiny. Best of all, dogs who don't like baths can use it because it doesn't need water

  • How does this shampoo make a dog's fur feel and look?

    This shampoo makes a dog's fur feel really soft and silky. It also makes the fur bright and easy to brush. People who have used it say that it changes rough, knotted fur into smooth, easy-to-care-for fur.

  • Does the shampoo help to untangle dog's fur?

    Yes, it does People who have used this shampoo say that one of the best things about it is how well it helps untangle a dog's fur. This makes brushing the dog after a bath much easier.

  • Can dogs with skin that gets upset easily use this shampoo?

    Yes, they can People who have used this shampoo on their dogs with sensitive skin say that it doesn't upset their skin at all. Even French Bulldogs, who often have sensitive skin, didn't get red or irritated after using this shampoo.

  • Do you need to wash off this shampoo after putting it on a dog's fur?

    Nope You don't need to wash off this shampoo after putting it on your dog's fur. Because you don't need water to use this shampoo, cleaning your dog is quick and easy.