TropiClean Waterless Deep Cleansing Dog Shampoo Product Thumbnail 0

TropiClean Waterless Deep Cleansing Dog Shampoo

Product information

This dog shampoo doesn't need water to work. It's good for fast and easy cleaning when you can't give a full bath. It's made with things like coconut, so it's soft on the pet's fur. It smells like berries. You can use it on dogs that are 12 weeks old or more.

Product Ratings:

  • our rating
    86 out of 100

where to buy:

price range:

$10 - $15USD

product review and rating of TropiClean Waterless Deep Cleansing Dog Shampoo

product features:

  • Berry scent: The product leaves behind a pleasant light berry scent, suitable for pets sensitive to strong smells.
  • Natural ingredients: The shampoo incorporates natural ingredients like coconut, ensuring gentleness on the pet's coat.
  • No-rinse formula: The product's no-rinse formula facilitates quick and easy cleaning when a full bath isn't feasible.

editorial review:

The dry dog shampoo we're discussing is a great way to keep your pet clean. It's a no-rinse formula, which makes cleaning quick and easy when a full bath isn't needed. This shampoo is made with natural ingredients like coconut, so it's gentle on your pet's coat. It has a berry scent, which comes from the mix of berries and coconut in the waterless dog wash. This leaves your pet smelling fresh. 

Many pet owners like this product because it helps them keep their pets clean. It works well for cleaning bulldog paws without needing to rinse them - this shows how useful it can be. The shampoo won't make your pet's eyes tear up, so it won't cause discomfort. You can use it on dogs that are 12 weeks old or older. Besides cleaning, this product also makes your pet's coat soft and silky thanks to its blend of botanical ingredients. The nice berry scent is not too strong, even for pets that don't like strong smells.

what we like:

  • Berry Scent: Pleasant light berry scent suitable for pets sensitive to strong smells.
  • Natural Ingredients: Uses coconut for a gentle effect on the pet's coat.
  • No-Rinse Formula: Quick and easy cleaning when a full bath isn't feasible.
  • Softens Coat: Makes your pet's coat soft and silky.

what could be better:

  • High Usage: Needs lots of product for thorough cleaning.
  • Rapid Consumption: Bottle gets used up quickly due to high usage.
our rating:
our rating
86 out of 100

A score in the 80s means most customers will be satisfied. It is a great product, it is high quality and the brand provides good support.

where to buy:

other recommended dry dog shampoo

product questions about TropiClean Waterless Deep Cleansing Dog Shampoo

  • What's the name of the shampoo brand?

    The shampoo is made by a company called TropiClean.

  • What does the shampoo smell like?

    People who use the shampoo say it smells nice and not too strong. It smells a bit like berries, and one kind even smells like coconut and papaya, kind of like a light Piña Colada drink.

  • Do you need to rinse off the shampoo after using it?

    No, you don't need to rinse off this shampoo after using it. But some people like to use a wet cloth to wipe their dogs down afterwards.

  • Can dogs with allergies use this shampoo?

    Yes, dogs with allergies can use this shampoo. One person said their dog didn't have any bad reactions to it.

  • What's in this dry shampoo?

    This dry shampoo has stuff from nature in it like coconut and plants. These things help make dogs' fur feel really soft.

  • Can you use other TropiClean products with this shampoo?

    Yes, you can use other things from TropiClean with this dry shampoo. They make a spray that helps get rid of bad smells and wipes that help clean dogs really well.