210mL Waterless Oatmeal Dog Shampoo Product Thumbnail 0

210mL Waterless Oatmeal Dog Shampoo

Product information

This is a shampoo for dogs that doesn't need water. It's good for dogs with skin that gets upset easily. You can put it on fast without giving your dog a full bath. It also makes your dog smell nice for a long time.

Product Ratings:

  • our rating
    89 out of 100

where to buy:

price range:

$10 - $12CAD

product review and rating of 210mL Waterless Oatmeal Dog Shampoo

product features:

  • Long-Lasting Scent: The shampoo leaves a long-lasting scent, keeping pets smelling pleasant for several days after use.
  • Skin-Friendly: The shampoo's formulation is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for dogs with sensitive skin or allergies.
  • Ease of Use: The WAHL Dog Shampoo is designed for quick and easy application, eliminating the need for a full bath.

editorial review:

Wahl Professional Animal oatmeal dog shampoo is a gentle product for your pet's hygiene. It's made with skin health in mind, which lowers the risk of irritation. This makes it a good choice for dogs with sensitive skin or allergies. The shampoo is easy to use and doesn't require a full bath, making it perfect for quick clean-ups between baths. 

To use this product, you should start by getting your dog's fur a little wet. Then apply the shampoo one section at a time, starting from the head and neck. A soft brush can help spread the shampoo evenly. After putting on the shampoo, towel-dry that area before moving to the next one. Pay extra attention to your dog's belly and legs because these areas usually have more dirt on them. One nice thing about this shampoo is its long-lasting scent, which can keep your pet smelling good for several days after they've been outside.

what we like:

  • Long-lasting scent
  • Skin-friendly formula
  • Easy to use
  • Promotes skin health

what could be better:

  • Strong scent
  • Not for deep cleaning
our rating:
our rating
89 out of 100

A score in the 80s means most customers will be satisfied. It is a great product, it is high quality and the brand provides good support.

where to buy:

other recommended dry dog shampoo

product questions about 210mL Waterless Oatmeal Dog Shampoo

  • Can this shampoo be used on all types of dogs?

    Yes, this shampoo can be used on all types of dogs. People have used it on an American sled dog and a boxer dog.

  • Can this shampoo be used on dogs that don't like water?

    Yes, people have used this shampoo on dogs that don't like water. They put it directly onto their fur and then dry them off with a towel.

  • What does this oatmeal shampoo smell like?

    This oatmeal shampoo smells like fresh geranium citrus.

  • Does this shampoo help keep pets clean and smelling good for a long time?

    Yes, people say this shampoo keeps their pets clean and smelling good for many days.

  • How do people put the oatmeal shampoo on their pets?

    People put the shampoo on their pets one section at a time. They start at the head and neck, make the fur a little wet with the foam, spread it with a soft brush, and then dry that part with a towel before moving to the next part.

  • What's the name of the company that makes the oatmeal shampoo?

    The oatmeal shampoo is made by a company called WAHL.