Wahl Canada Paraben-Free Oatmeal Dog Shampoo Product Thumbnail 0

Wahl Canada Paraben-Free Oatmeal Dog Shampoo

Product information

This is a dog shampoo that does not have harmful chemicals. It has natural stuff like oatmeal, coconut, and aloe vera. It is good for dogs with skin that gets upset easily. The shampoo helps stop itching and makes the dog's fur soft.

Product Ratings:

  • our rating
    93 out of 100

where to buy:

price range:

$10 - $12CAD

product review and rating of Wahl Canada Paraben-Free Oatmeal Dog Shampoo

product features:

  • Natural Ingredients: The shampoo contains oatmeal, coconut, aloe vera, and lime and lemon oils, making it suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Subtle Fragrance: The product has a light coconut scent that stays on the dog's fur for several days.
  • Softens Fur: The shampoo improves the texture and appearance of the dog's fur by making it softer.

editorial review:

The Wahl oatmeal dog shampoo is special. It has oatmeal, coconut, aloe vera, and lime and lemon oils. These things help with dry, itchy skin. The shampoo does not have parabens. Parabens are chemicals that some people think can harm your pet.  

This shampoo comes from plants and can help stop itching. It is good for dogs of all ages, from puppies to old dogs. If your dog has sensitive skin, this shampoo could be good for you. Many pet owners say that it makes their dogs smell clean and makes their fur soft after drying. The smell of the shampoo is not strong but has a light coconut smell that stays for days after the bath. 

Some people said that the bottle lid came off during delivery so some of the shampoo spilled out. Also, some dogs may not like how the shampoo smells or may feel irritated in sensitive areas even if you rinse it well. You should watch your pet after using a new product to make sure it is good for them.

what we like:

  • Natural Ingredients
  • Suitable for Sensitive Skin
  • Paraben-Free
  • Reduces Itching

what could be better:

  • Packaging Issues
  • Strong Scent
our rating:
our rating
93 out of 100

A score of 90 and above means nearly all customers will be satisfied! It is an excellent product, it is high quality, the brand provides good support, and you likely can't go wrong with this purchase.

where to buy:

other recommended oatmeal dog shampoo

product questions about Wahl Canada Paraben-Free Oatmeal Dog Shampoo

  • Can dogs with skin that gets irritated easily use this shampoo?

    Yes, dogs with skin that gets irritated easily can use Wahl's oatmeal shampoo. People who have used it say it didn't bother their dog's skin.

  • Does Wahl's oatmeal dog shampoo have any bad chemicals in it?

    No, Wahl's Oatmeal Shampoo doesn't have any bad chemicals in it like parabens. It has stuff from plants in it and it helps stop itching. It can be used on pets of all ages.

  • Does this shampoo make a lot of bubbles when you use it?

    Yes, people who have used Wahl's oatmeal shampoo say it makes a lot of bubbles. This helps get the dog really clean.

  • How long does the smell from the shampoo stay on the dog's fur?

    The smell from Wahl's oatmeal shampoo stays on a dog's fur for a few days. But some people think the smell is too strong at first and would like a version without any smell.

  • Is Wahl known for making good stuff for grooming dogs?

    Yes, Wahl is known for making good stuff for grooming dogs. They make things that are safe for pets and don't cost too much money.

  • What's the name of the company that makes this shampoo?

    The company that makes this shampoo is called Wahl.